Monday, August 30, 2010

Reveal the Revel!

I finally got a new mountain bike, the Giant Revel 1, after trying to decided on what company, make, and model. And after endlessly searching craigslist, Cahabacycles, eBay, and many other bike stores, I was able to finally make a choice! Plus it was on sale too!
The sad part is that after I bought the bike I only really had the opportunity to ride it once so far, because of the "drabby" weather. But that in that one ride, I was able to finish a particular section of the Trussville trail in 7mins faster then my fast time! I think it is because of the added front suspension that my last bike did NOT have.

Well another update, I have a new goal now, it is to run a 5K!! I'm not sure which race or when, but more then likely it will be before this year is done with. I should up my goal to two 5K's (is that correct form?) before the year is out.

Goals of 2010
~Compete in a mountain biking race
~Compete in two 5K's
~Get an A in anatomy
~Get a waitressing job


  1. sahweeeeeet bike!!!!!!
    those sound like so good little goals.
    you know what is so funny? I did a "goals" blog last night too!
    ahahahahaha! great minds think alike!!

  2. I like your new bike and I like your goals! :) After next weekend you will have one 5k marked off your list. I guess we all have new goals. I love making lists I have them all over my room in post its in order to motivate myself. haha
