So its been a few days since I've last blog. I guess I have writer's block, because I have nothing really to write about.
I went to the dentist yesterday and guess who got thier first cavity... yes its me. I get it filled next Monday so that will be a new experience! They said my top molars have come in and that my lower two are starting to peak their lil heads. They suggested surgery. I suggested not. The way I see it, once they come in they are fine (or at least in my case). I have had a few issues with pain from them, but that is just the pain that goes along with a new tooth coming in anyway.
Yesterday was an extremely crappy day. They asked be to pull a split shift and not thinking I agreed to the extra hours. It wasn't until late Wednesday that I agreed to have a hectic day. So I worked in the morning then went to the dentist then worked till close, then I went to see Breaking Dawn... (Is that its name?) or the new twilight movie with some friends. For the record I'm totally Team Jacob! But going to the movie theater reaking (Did I spell that right?) of fish... SUCKED. I know what your thinking, why didn't I go home and shower before the movie? Well that was the plan but work lasted way longer then expected.
Other new things in my life include my dog, Lula! Guess who got an awesome haircut? Well its def not Lula. I come home from work one day last week and I saw the massacre that is Lula's haircut and I cant stop laughing. It literally is the worst haircut EVER. My mom decided that Lula must have been too hot in all her hair, which isn't really that much. So she cut her hair in layers. Yeah, very cute on dogs! And when I say layers I mean uneven, rings that leave Lula looking like a rat or pig!
THIS IS HILARIOUS. i laughed the whole time! that is SO like an Asian parent, maybe all non natural born citizen parents are the same!! hahaha. sorry about your crappy day! i have to get my wisdom teeth out too. my top ones are peeking their lil heads up. we should have a double surgery! maybe itll be cheaper. haha. thanks for the update! i hope we get to hang out again soon!