Thursday, June 10, 2010

Toygers: The Designer Cats!

So while on facebook I came across a status post by Alexis (a friend of mine) that she wanted a... Toyger. . Me being unsure of what a Toyger was I googled, it like anyother self-respecting person would, and it came up with It is a specially mixed breed of a cat that resembles a "toy tiger", which is totally different from a real tiger of course. But can you say bad-A!!!! Who wouldn't want a mini tiger to protect the homestead!!


  1. hahaha you would want something like that! So very Lena of you!

  2. That is so Bad A!!!! personally id just rather have a tiger. ya! awesome blog. i like this one.

  3. That is too cool! I had no idea that there were "toygers" out there hahaha! Oh and thank you for the comment on my post :) Miss you too much! Next time we are all hanging out no excuses!
