Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So I got my cavity filled yesterday and it didn't hurt while getting it, but about 3 hours later my tooth and cheek hurt soooo bad. I actually had to hold back the tears. But I woke up this morning feeling okay so its all good, I guess! While the dentist was filling the cavity he kept saying. "Ohh this one is in a hard place." Which is deff not what you want to hear from your dentist when your getting your first cavity filled. So I just looked up at the light and repeated counted to five. After this interesting experience I decided to make my new goal to floss everyday.

Right now I am taking a break from studying physics. (I had to google that to make sure I wrote the right word, because I always get physics and psychics confused). I have a test tomorrow and it should be pretty easy considering it is only covering three chapters. I use to be afraid of summer classes. I always heard that they go by sooooo fast and there is so much material covered. But after this summer and from hearing other people's experiences I don't think summer classes are soo bad anymore.

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