Today has been a pretty awesome day!! And that might be an understatement. Start off with getting to UAB early enough to study Anatomy and had a pretty active group discussion in Speech. Then a light arm work out with MiKayla followed with a timed mile of 6:34 (and yes I just time -dropped... get it?). Then I turned in my essay test in Philosophy! Which meant no class for me, moreover, because of Labor Day, MiKayla and I had no Anatomy lab today!! So our weekend started at about 12:15pm today!!!!! We grabbed an amazing lunch at Subway where MiKayla was pretty hyper, if I may say so myself!!! Also we totally saw a Charlie Sheen look-a-like at subway too!!! The only downfall of the day was when I rubbed my eye only to relocate my contact in my eye. But don't worry I found it when if fell on the nasty rug, which caused me to spit in my hand to rehydrate it until I could retrieve my contact fluid for a cleanse. So today I believe I will finish up with some studying and maybe a small bike ride if I am lucky!
New Goal: Beat Erin's mile of 6:09!
(so Erin be sure to rub your much faster time in my face to motivate me! Competition is the best motivation!)
too many exclamation points?