Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"What stops you here stops your entire life."

Okay so I'm reading a new book (I know about time right!). But the book is Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. Right now I bet you are thinking that you have never heard of him before... BUT if you know me then you know that I love the book and movie Fight Club.
"In Tyler Durden we trust."
Well, Palahniuk is the amazingly talented author of this masterpiece, but I'm off topic. Haunted is about a group of writers who agreed to leave thier current lives to live in a house for three months in the hope that a life changing work of art will be the result of their experience. The characters all write their own personal stories. And when I say story I don't mean a happy little fairy tales with a happy endings but tales of desperation and horror.

The story I just read was bout "how rich, bored people kill time...". It's basically about rich people who were tired of their famous lives and they found refuge by living as homeless people. These aristocrats believed that "nobodies were the new celebrity" and that "insanity is the new sanity". I believe the reason that I love Palahniuk's books are because they always force me to rethink the norm. Anyway, I guess this story will come in handy when I become very famous and rich and need to find an escape from the upper class life that I will undoubtedly live one day.


  1. I'm loving the post!! I'm so proud that you're literate, Lena! haha. JK...But I'm glad you're preparing for your life of fortune and fame. I'm guessing I need to read this book too!

  2. what a good little book critic you are!! that actually sounds really interesting to me! keep the posts coming, my dear!!

  3. WEIRD! We posted at almost the same time!!!!!!
